Blog | CSC Screeding

The Screed Scientist® makes a mark in the industry

Written by HubSpot Author | Feb 3, 2013 4:00:00 PM

With a heavy heart we have had to change our policy toward the sharing of our Screed Scientist documents and materials.
Now here is the thing. Our industry is in need of commonly accepted high standards and best practise. We launched the Screed Scientist to spear head our initiative to raise the awareness of common industry problems. To the person who is reading this blog and who might be a competitor, let me ask you just one question. Just how infuriating is it to have someone drive a MEWP all over your freshly laid screed? To you the reader who might have been through a long tender process to select a screeding contractor. What happens to your project time lines and budgets if the screed has to be ripped out and re-laid? Well these are the exact types of issues that The Screed Scientist® initiative is trying to address.
Our material has shot to the top of the Google Rankings and people have been referring back to us. You might be thinking that this is a good result. Unfortunately the awareness of duplicate content and just how damaging it can be to Google Search results is very poor. Some people have been very lazy and have simply copied and pasted our content into their websites. At the very least they should have taken the ideas that we presented and they should have rewritten the copy. So now Google sees duplicate content and can’t know who provided the original versions, therefore both sites are at risk from plummeting in the search rankings. If our web pages drop out of sight that simply means that all the effort that has gone into educating the industry will have been in vain.
With immediate effect and with much regret we are withdrawing our permission for our content to be reused. As of now normal copyright law applies. (Having said that, if you contact us and convince us that you will use our content in a responsible way then you will be talking to people who are prepared to reconsider.)