Blog | CSC Screeding

New Icon for CSC Social Media

Written by HubSpot Author | May 4, 2012 8:19:00 AM

We are pleased to unveil our new Social Media icon. Like most businesses our logo developed over a number of years, specifically ours has been developed since 1987. Our “swoosh” says it all, floor screeding!  Then roll forward to the “noughties” and the plethora of social media sites such as Linked-in and Facebook. Without warning our logo is under pressure to perform on a much bigger scale and in a format it was not originally designed for.

Like most people we have tried various combinations and all we ended up doing was stretching the brand in directions that were not appropriate. We believe that attention to detail is what gets us through our business day and makes us successful. The branding is no different. Therefore we are pleased to have finally cracked our social media icon. It says CSC Screeding on the tin!  Thank you Trevor Baker!!